My Local Memory Dealer, Early Teaser Draft I

21 min readJun 1, 2024

Chapter I

No child knows how life was before The Evolution. None of the adults want to tell them how life used to be. They were instructed to do so by The Ones.

We don’t really know who The Ones really are. All we know about them is that they were sent here by beings we can’t comprehend the intelligence of to help us thrive on Earth.

Or at least that’s what we’re told.

The way they were founded was bizarre: One day, a random guy found a book on the street. Upon reading the book, he was presented with immense powers. He founded a new government that was against most concepts’ humanity had ever seen before. Soon enough, they had an army. They invaded Operrallio. They won the right to decide what everyone does. Since then, no one has crossed the border.

Or that is what I understood from the Blaandablock1, my parents and teachers refuse to explain any of this to me, saying: You’re too young, Sally… However, they have been saying that since I asked the first time. They never tell me what age I must be to know.

1-A version of the internet controlled by The Ones

I’m Sally. I live in Noramma, the second biggest city in Manuscriptia2 besides the capital.

I sometimes wonder how the world is outside Manuscriptia…We have no way of knowing. The world is divided into three parts: Evolutia, Manuscriptia and Sandland.

